Towards nanowire-based telecom-band optoelectronic devices

Towards nanowire-based telecom-band optoelectronic devices



2019-12-24 (周二) 15:00



One motivation for the very intense research in III-V compound semiconductor nanowire field is that nanowire structures can offer new opportunities to main-stream semiconductors. In this talk, firstly, I will describe a CMOS-compatible synthesis approach, i.e. gold-free indium-particle-catalyzed (or self-catalyzed) vapor-liquid-solid growth mode. The approach enables the growth of InP/InAs heterostructure nanowire and lasing in telecom band at room temperature. We have also realized mid-IR lasing by using InAs nanowires with hexagonal crystalline structure. Controllable formation of p-i-n structure along the axial direction enables light emitting diodes to operate at room temperature with telecom-band electroluminescence. A novel approach will then be described for site control of indium nanoparticle by self-assembly process for InP/InAs nanowire array.

1. G. Zhang, M. Takiguchi, K. Tateno, T. Tawara, M. Notomi and H. Gotoh, Science Advances 5 (2), eaat8896 (2019).

2.  H. Sumikura, G. Zhang, M. Takiguchi, N. Takemura, A. Shinya, H. Gotoh and M. Notomi, Nano Letters 19 (11), 8059-8065 (2019). 


报告人简介:章国强,博士,日本NTT物性科学基础研究所量子光学器件研究室主任研究员。1993~2000年浙江大学获得学士及硕士学位,2004年日本国立静冈大学电子工学研究所获得博士学位,2004-2006年日本国立静冈大学电子工学研究所任COE研究员,2006-2008年日本NTT物性科学基础研究所量子光学器件研究室博士后研究员,2008-至今,日本NTT物性科学基础研究所量子光学器件研究室。长期从事三五族半导体纳米线的制备及其在量子光学器件领域基础与应用研究。已在Science Advances,Nature Materials, Nano Letters,ACS Nano 等学术期刊发表论文30余篇。